About Us
We're losing it! The plunder of the Oceans is a quiet war with Nature going on daily, under our noses, on our watch. This site is for anyone who'd like to do anything to fix it.
The last 60 years have seen us grow dramatically in technical ability and carelessness. We have fished over 90% of the Oceans’ big fish; tuna, swordfish, shark, dolphin, whale, porpoise. Many by mistake. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. They’re called “by-catch”, caught in the gigantic mega nets along with the smaller fish. Oops. They get thrown back into the Ocean, dead. Over the same period we have chucked millions of tons of plastic into the Oceans, every year. Much of this is by mistake. Somehow plastic gets into the rivers and swept out to sea. Oops. Many animals think this plastic is food. They eat it and die. Sea-birds, turtles, fish of all sizes. But over 50% of plastic in the oceans comes from fishing nets that have been cut loose and abandoned in the sea. Fish of all sizes and sea birds get caught in these nets and die. Let’s ask the fishing industry to ensure that ships return their nets to shore where they can be recycled.
In the meantime, we’ve also pumped gigantic quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere causing Global Warming, Climate Change, melting of the Ice Caps and warming of the Oceans. The warming of the Oceans negatively affects plancton and coral reefs. Plancton produces over 50% of the oxygen available in our atmosphere. We don’t want to mess with them.
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Local Action at Home
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International Action
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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Consectetur Adipiscing Elit. Ut Elit Tellus, Luctus Nec Ullamcorper.
Study Nature, Love Nature
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Autumn Is a Second Spring
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Just Let It Rain
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A Light Wind Swept Over The Corn, And All Nature Laughed In The Sunshine.
Forest Wilderness

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